
Through Polish eyes. Polish-Swedish relations during the Second World War

+ Paweł Jaworski, Marzyciele i oportuniści: Stosunki polsko-szwedzkie w latach 1939–1945, [Dreamers and opportunists: Polish-Swedish relations in 1939–1945], Warsaw 2009: IPN, 448 pages

By Piotr Wawrzeniuk February 4, 2014

Consumer and producer cooperatives. Different legacies in Northern and Eastern Europe

+ Mary Hilson, Pirjo Markkola and Ann-Catrin Östman (eds.) Co-operatives and the Social Question: The Co-operative Movement in Northern and Eastern Europe (1880—1950), Cardiff 2012: Welsh Academic Press, 226 pages

By AnuMai Kõll November 12, 2013

Continuation war or war of revenge? Guilt and morality

+ Henrik Stenius, Mirja Österberg, and Johan Östling (eds.), Nordic Narratives of the Second World War: National Historiographies Revisited, Lund 2011: Nordic Academic Press, 173 pages

By Norbert Götz November 12, 2013

Union, federation, or “merely” European cooperation. Norden as a product of 1814

+ Jóhann Páll Árnason and Björn Wittrock (eds.), Nordic Paths to Modernity, New York: Berghahn Books 2012.

+ Bjørn Magnus Berge and Anders Björnsson (eds.), Skandinaviska vägval, [Scandinavian crossroads] Stockholm: Atlantis 2008.

+ Max Engman and Nils Erik Vilstrand (eds.), Maktens mosaik:, Enhet, särart och självbild i det svenska riket [The mosaic of power: Unity, peculiarity, and identity in the Swedish realm], Stockholm & Helsinki: Atlantis and the Swedish Literary Society in Finland 2008.

+ Rasmus Glenthøj, Skilsmissen: Dansk og norsk identitet før og efter 1814 [The divorce: Danish and Norwegian identity before and after 1814], Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark 2012.

+ Henrik Meinander, Finlands historia [The history of Finland] Stockholm: Atlantis 2006. Niels Kayser Nielsen, Bonde, stat og hjem: Nordisk demokrati og nationalisme — fra pietismen til 2. Verdenskrig [Farmer, state and home: Nordic democracy and nationalism, from pietism to the Second World War], Århus: Aarhus University Press 2009.

+ Gunnar Wetterberg, The United Nordic Federation, Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers 2010.

By Uffe Østergaard May 17, 2013

IKEA in German. Working with clichés

+ Jennie Mazur, Die “schwedische” Lösung: Eine kultursemiotisch orientierte Untersuchung der audiovisuellen Werbespots von IKEA in Deutschland, Würzburg, 2013, 293 pages

By Bernd Henningsen May 17, 2013

Culture as both a text and a system: Reconstructing the connection

+ Aleksei Semenenko The Texture of Culture: An Introduction to Yuri Lotman’s Semiotic Theory, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 177 pages

By Herta Schmid May 17, 2013

The relativity of suffering. One of the last century’s greatest realists at work

+ Vasily Grossman, Everything Flows, Editor and translator: , Robert Chandler, New York, New York Review of Books 2009, 253 pages

+ Vasily Grossman, The Road: Stories, Journalism, and Essays, Editor and translator: , Robert Chandler, New York, New York Review of Books 2010, 373 pages

By Anders Björnsson May 17, 2013

The burden of sad times. Another face of the Twentieth Century

Stefano Bottoni, Un altro Novecento L’Europa orientale dal 1919 a oggi [Another twentieth century: Eastern Europe from 1919 to the present day] Rome 2011, Carocci Editore, 404 pages

By Francesco Zavatti January 9, 2013

A Tony Judt Century. Last talks

Tony Judt with Timothy Snyder, Thinking the Twentieth Century, New York 2012, The Penguin Press, 414 pages

By David Gaunt January 9, 2013

Critique and morality. Consensus and dissent in post-revisionist Soviet studies

Den goda tanken och den onda erfarenheten [The good idea and the evil experience] Lund University Department of History Lund 2011, 157 pages

By Simon Larsson January 8, 2013