The Editorial Board
The editorial board’s editor is at Södertörn University at the CBEES office. Contact her if you would like to comment on articles in the magazine, discuss ideas for articles, make suggestions, order back issues, or have other questions about the magazine or its Web site.
Editor-in-chief Ninna Mörner
Telephone: +46 8 608 50 33
If you want to contact us by mail, the address is:
Baltic Worlds
Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)
SE – 141 89 Huddinge
Office Address:
Baltic Worlds
The Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)
Building: MA7
Södertörn University
Flemingsberg, Stockholm
Contact information for other Baltic Worlds personnel:
Person Legally Responsible for the Publication:
Joakim Ekman, CBEES, professor
Chair of the Scientific Advisory Council and Scientific Editor:
Ekaterina Kalinina, Associate Professor, Stockholm University
ekaterina.kalinina (a) ims.su.se