The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies (in Swedish: Stiftelsen för forskning inom områden med anknytning till Östersjöregionen och Östeuropa) was established in 1994 by the Swedish government. The aim of the Foundation is to support research and the training of doctoral students at Södertörns högskola (Södertörn University). According to its charter, the Foundation’s endowment principal may not be depleted, and only the revenue from investment of the endowment can be used for the Foundation’s purposes. In January 2007, the endowment’s market value was approximately 6.9 billion Swedish kronor.
Since its inception, the Foundation has supported research, the training of doctoral students, and the academic infrastructure at Södertörns högskola. A major portion of the funds awarded has been used for varied research projects in the humanities and social sciences. In addition, the Foundation has supported the establishment of the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS) and the Center for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) as well as the university’s new library.
The Foundation is governed by a Board appointed by the Swedish government. There are two committees of the Board, one dealing with finances and one for academic affairs.
Applications for new research projects can be submitted to the Foundation once a year. Consistent with its aim, the Foundation only supports research projects at Södertörns högskola.
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