Okategoriserade Cultural heritage under scrutiny. As a concept, a political tool and a contemporary discourse

Kulturarv: en begreppspolitik [Cultural Heritage: the politics of the concept], Johan Hegardt and Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback, (Södertörn philosophical studies, 2022), 124 pages.

Published in the printed edition of Baltic Worlds BW 2023:1-2, 130-132
Published on balticworlds.com on June 20, 2023

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Hegardt and Schuback make a sketch out of themes that have been left unnoticed in cultural heritage discourse and discourse analysis. They also put the concept of cultural heritage in its historical perspective with a rather pessimistic conclusion about the concept’s role in contemporary Western society.

Their book gives Sweden the role of representing the Western discourse, as both authors live and work in this country and chose to analyze first of all Swedish official documents and policy papers as a case study for their research.

Read the full review by downloading the pdf.

  • by Anna Kharkina

    PhD in history and philosophy. Previously an archivist at the Swedish Center for Architecture and Design (ArkDes); currently involved in the research project “Transnational Art and Heritage Transfer and the Formation of Value: Objects, Agents, and Institutions” at Södertörn University. Anna Kharkina previously worked in various cultural institutions in Russia and as a freelance curator and writer.

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