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IKEA in German. Working with clichés

+ Jennie Mazur, Die “schwedische” Lösung: Eine kultursemiotisch orientierte Untersuchung der audiovisuellen Werbespots von IKEA in Deutschland, Würzburg, 2013, 293 pages

By Bernd Henningsen May 17, 2013

European universities. Visions and branding names

+ Bo Larsson (ed.) Univer-City: The Old Middle-Sized European Academic Town as Framework of the Global Society of Science – Challenges and Possibilities. Lund: Sekel Bokförlag 2008. 472 pages

By Bernd Henningsen February 18, 2010

The Baltic Sea. A Model Region

Baltic Sea cooperation is a good example of how nations can find forms of collaboration. There is a solidarity between countries and a desire to work on things such as environmental problems.

Essay by Bernd Henningsen February 9, 2010