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Articles written by Johan Eellend

Confrontation or compromise? Peasant leaders in interbellum Europe

Mark Biondich, Stjepan Radić, the Croat Peasant Party, and the Politics of Mass Mobilization, 1904–1928, Toronto. University of Toronto Press 2000, xi, 344 pages + R. J. Crampton, Aleksandǔr Stamboliĭski: Bulgaria. London, Haus Publishing 2009, xi, 192 pages

+ Daniel E. Miller, Forging Political Compromise, Antonín Ŝvela and the Czechoslovak Republican Party, 1918–1933, Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh Press 1999, 323 pages

By Johan Eellend September 22, 2010

Peasants in a socialist society. A tribute to Viktor Danilov

+ Lennart Samuelson (ed.) Bönder och bolsjeviker: Den ryska landsbygdens historia 1902—1939 [Peasants and Bolsheviks: The History of the Russian Countryside 1902—1939] The Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics (EFI) 2007. 271 pages.

By Johan Eellend February 19, 2010

Biography. A noblesse oblige out of step with time

+ Thomas von Vegesack. Utan hem i tiden. Berättelsen om Arved.[Not at Home in Time. The Story of Arved]. Stockholm: Norstedts 2008. 175 pages.

By Johan Eellend February 17, 2010