Contributor archive

Articles written by Kristian Gerner

How and why did Estonia succeed? Exploring the long-lasting grip of the Soviet period

Bakom och bortom järnridån. De sovjetiska åren och frigörelsen i Baltikum och Ukraina [Behind the Iron Curtain and Beyond. The Soviet Years and the Emancipation in the Baltics and Ukraine]. Li Bennich Björkman. Stockholm: Appell förlag. 465 pages

By Kristian Gerner June 20, 2023

Inside Russia. The Finnish dimension

Kivinen, Markku & Humphreys, Brendan (eds.). (London and New York: Routledge 2021). xxv and 368 pages.

By Kristian Gerner October 25, 2021

Art as the venue for politics. The image of Rossiya 2

Lena Jonson, Art and Protest in Putin’s Russia. London and New York: Routledge 2015, 399 pages.

By Kristian Gerner June 23, 2016

The Baltic States – how many? A story of a historical coincidence

Andres Kasekamp, A History of the Baltic States, London , Palgrave Macmillan 2010, xi + 251 pages, Andrejs Plakans, A Concise History of the Baltic States, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2011, xvi

+ 474 pages

By Kristian Gerner January 18, 2012

Not with a bang but with a whimper. The Soviet era in world history

Archie Brown, The Rise and Fall of Communism, London: Vintage Books 2010, (First edition 2009), 752 pages

By Kristian Gerner January 11, 2011

On the road towards a “European culture of memory”? Coming to grips with Stalinism

+ Julia Obertreis & Anke Stephen (eds.) Erinnerungen nach der Wende: Oral History und (post)sozialistische Gesellschaften, Essen: Klartext Verlag 2009, 401 pages.

By Kristian Gerner March 24, 2010

Sport. The return of enchantment to Western society

+ Rune Slagstad. (Sporten): En idéhistorisk studie [(Sport): A Study in the History of Ideas] Oslo: Pax Förlag 2008. 849 pages.

By Kristian Gerner February 18, 2010