Clearly, even in this extraordinary election, as so often happens, the voters assessed alternatives rationally rather than emotionally. Peace and prosperity come first. Yet this election was more a test of personal confidence than of specific issues.
Li Bennich-Björkman
July 5, 2014
Journal of Baltic Studies, March 2009, Journal of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies
Li Bennich-Björkman
June 27, 2012
2011 elections in Estonia is a distinct indication of a political development in very much the right direction. The government coalition did ´deliver´ to the voters, and in a relation of reciprocity, the voters delivered back.
Li Bennich-Björkman
March 12, 2011
Political development in the three Baltic countries has not been equal. The development of democracy and the degree of corruption depends, among other things – it is argued here – on how the resistance against the Soviet Union was organized.
Essay by
Li Bennich-Björkman
February 12, 2010