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From clients to agents. Roma feminist activism in the special issue of Analize

Analize – Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies, New Series, Issue no. 7, 2016, The Romanian Society for Feminist Analyses AnA, 2016, 101 pages.

By Madina Tlostanova November 9, 2017

A decolonial view of Baltic Drama. Countering postcolonial narratives

Benedikts Kalnačs, 20th Century Baltic Drama: Postcolonial Narratives, Decolonial Options, Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2016. 235 pages

By Madina Tlostanova October 25, 2016

Postcolonial post-Soviet trajectories and intersectional coalitions

The article considers the centrifugal trajectories of the postsocialist world in the direction of the secondary Europe and the global South as seen through the prism of gender relations and at the intersection of the postsocialist and the postcolonial. The author focuses on the importance and specificity of geopolitical positioning in postsocialist gendered discourses using Central Asia and the Caucasus as graphic examples.

Essay by Madina Tlostanova May 12, 2015