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Female terrorists: political or just mad? Conservative narratives in the historiography of early 20th century female terrorism in Russia

This article discusses the main narratives employed by conservatives at the beginning of the 20th century to explain the political violence committed by women, and it shows how these narratives have been employed in the scholarly analysis of the topic. The article provides an answer to the question why progovernmental conservative views on the female terrorists and terrorism in prerevolutionary Russia have never been influential in the historiography.

By Nadezda Petrusenko March 8, 2018

What did the Father Say?

Comment on Pussy Riot: Reflections on Receptions Again, Samutsevich’s testimony evokes a similarity between the Pussy Riot case and women […]

By Nadezda Petrusenko December 20, 2012

Mother-to-Be Making Love at the Museum of Biology

Comment on Pussy Riot: Reflections on Receptions It is important in this connection to mention the activities of Voina (The […]

By Nadezda Petrusenko December 20, 2012