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Miloš Zeman is the New President of the Czech Republic

Miloš Zeman (68) was elected the President of the Czech Republic in the direct election on Saturday, January 26th, 2013. Zeman (Party of Civic Rights, Strana Práv Občanů – Zemanovci, SPOZ) gained 54,80 % of votes. His opponent, Prime minister and the candidate of the TOP06 Party Karel Schwarzenberg (75) gained 45,19 % of votes. The campaign preceding the second round of the election was heated.

By Riikka Nisonen January 31, 2013

The first direct presidential election in the history of the Czech Republic

Since 1989 the parliament of the Czech Republic has chosen country’s presidents. The first direct election in the history of the Czech Republic will take place on January 11-12, 2013. A possible second round will follow two weeks later.

By Riikka Nisonen January 11, 2013

Elections in Czech Republic Left-wing parties winners

Two elections took place in the Czech Republic the last weekend, October 12 and 13, 2012. The left-wing parties were the winners in both elections: The first round of the senate election and in the election to the regional assemblies. The second round of the senate election will take place on Friday, October 19th and Saturday, 20th, 2012.

By Riikka Nisonen October 19, 2012