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Bordering Pomerania Boundary-defining and demographic transgression in a geopolitically contested region

This study focuses on three aspects of the geography of Pomerania: The definition of the area, in terms of bordering and containment, its governance, particularly in relation to the third aspect, its demography, in terms of which religious and ethnic groups were allowed in or expelled from the area. In the long history of Pomerania, groups in the area also changed religion or ethnicity.

Essay by Thomas Lundén June 19, 2017

Cross-over contacts in the subarctic peripheries. Teamwork, description and synthesis

The Barents Region: A Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe, Chief editor Lars Elenius. PaxForlag, Oslo, 2015, 518 pages.

By Thomas Lundén February 3, 2017

One in a thousand. An ordinary extraordinary woman

Helmut Müssener, Wolfgang Wilhelmus: Stettin Lublin Stockholm. Elsa Meyring: Aus dem Leben einer deutschen Nichtarierin im zwanzig-sten Jahr-hundert., 2nd edition. Rostock: Ingo Koch Verlag, 2014.

By Thomas Lundén June 23, 2016

A missing air force plane. The secret of the Cold War

Christer Lokind: DC-3:an. Kalla krigets hemlighet [The DC-3: the secret of the Cold War]. Stockholm: Medströms bokförlag, 2014.

By Thomas Lundén May 13, 2015

A world conference on the border

The first world conference on borders, under the title Post-Cold War Borders – Global Trends and Regional Responses was held in Joensuu, Finland and St. Petersburg, Russia and in the borderland in-between on June 9-13, 2014.

By Thomas Lundén August 4, 2014

Stettin (Szczecin) A node in a geopolitical network

The author shows how one small region, Stettin/Szczecin, because of its strategic place became involved in important events throughout history.

By Thomas Lundén February 4, 2014

a hundred years later streetcars are still rattling in Baltic cities

A young geographer by the name of Sten De Geer mapped the cities around the Baltic Sea in an article published in 1912. As an attempt to capture the urban structure of Baltic region cities, his paper is unique. In this article, we comment on his meticulous descriptions of these cities, with a century-long perspective.

By Thomas Lundén January 7, 2013

Expelled and expeller. On the reality of forced migration

+ Andreas Kossert. Kalte Heimat: Die Geschichte der deutschen Vertriebenen nach 1945. München: Siedler 2008. 427 pages.

+ Jan Musekamp. Zwischen Stettin und Szczecin: Metamorphosen einer Stadt zwischen 1945 und 2005. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde, vorgelegt an der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), 29. Januar 2008. 347 pages.

+ Bernd Aischmann. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, die Stadt Stettin ausgenommen: Eine zeitgeschichtliche Betrachtung Schwerin: Thomas Helms Verlag 2008. 228 pages.

+ Stig Dagerman. Tysk höst [German Autumn]. Stockholm: Norstedts 1947 167, [1] pages and later editions. Has been translated to other languages, among them German (Deutscher Herbst). Hans-Åke Persson. Retorik och realpolitik: Storbritannien och de fördrivna tyskarna efter andra världskriget [Rhetoric and Realpolitik: Great Britain and the Displaced Germans after World War II] Lund : Lund University. Press 1993 325, [2] pages. CESIC studies in international conflict. Dissertation. German translation: Hans-Åke Persson: Rhetorik und Realpolitik: Großbritannien, die Oder-Neiße-Grenze und die Vertreibung der Deutschen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Frankfurter Studien zur Grenzregion, Band 3. Potsdam: Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg 1997. 215 pages.

By Thomas Lundén February 18, 2010