Contributor archive

Articles written by Torbjörn Eng

Four on-the-spot accounts. The Baltic countries’ path to the future is paved with shadows of the past

+ Arne Bengtsson. Bronssoldatens hämnd: Baltiska betraktelser. [The Revenge of the Bronze Soldier: Baltic Reflections]. Vimmerby: 2007. 411 pages.

+ Arne Bengtsson. Hotad frihet: Baltisk kris i skuggan av Moskva. [Threatened Freedom: Baltic Crisis in the Shadow of Moscow]. Vimmerby: 2008. 365 pages.

+ Peter Handberg. Undergångens skuggor: missiler och möten: reportage. [Shadows of the Demise: Missiles and Meetings: Reports]. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 2007. 206 pages.

+ Peter Handberg. Kärleksgraven: Baltiska resor. [The Tomb of Love: Baltic Journeys ]. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 2008. 326 pages.

By Torbjörn Eng February 17, 2010