Poland has long been working to bring Ukraine closer to the EU, and vice versa. While others have become short of breath, Poland has continued to pass the ball over the border. The goal statistics have not always lived up to expectations, but the game has continued, and the long-term goal remains the same.
Tove Stenqvist
May 31, 2012
Trying to understand where post-Soviet Russia is going seems to be a matter of understanding how the society is redefining itself: contradictory pictures are circulating of what precisely Russia and “Russianness” are. The official picture of a united and multicultural Russia is being challenged from several directions.
Tove Stenqvist
October 3, 2011
Conor O'Dwyer, professor of political science, talks about a backlash at the political level also. Sexual minorities in Poland and Latvia have had their rights restricted following EU accession.
Tove Stenqvist
February 19, 2010
Historian Mats Fridlund says that the technological and scientific development of weapons has influenced the choice of method and the type of people who have become perpetrators. When the revolver became smaller and lighter, female terrorists became more common.
Tove Stenqvist
February 19, 2010