The Baltic Sea Library is a web-based literary project run by a group of editors from all the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, plus Iceland. The website resembles an anthology and contains poetry, novel excerpts, and other genres in all the literatures of the region. The unifying aspect is something the editors call “Balticness”, and each text is accompanied by an explanation of its connection to the Baltic Sea.
Unn Gustafsson
June 27, 2012
Elske Rosenfeld was 15 when the Berlin Wall came down. She realized that this was the end of the critical discourse that the citizens’ movements had brought to life in the GDR. When the 1990 election results were announced in the media, she cried. Today the topic of 1989 is her professional project as an artist.
Unn Gustafsson
April 11, 2011
An exhibition about a woman born in a Europe that has vanished, in a city that no longer exists. Anna is neither East nor West, she is older than that. Her destiny is intertwined with the destiny of Europe. For this reason, the personal becomes universal in this touring exhibition.
Unn Gustafsson
July 1, 2010
Annual meeting in Narva of translators and writers from countries around the Baltic Sea. Meetings, exchanges of experience – which are the cultural common denominators and where are the barriers?
Unn Gustafsson
February 19, 2010
+ Katarina Wikars Jan Jörnmark. Atomtorg, porrharar och Hitlerslussar: 160 genom Baltikum. [Atomic Square, Porn Bunnies, and Hitler Floodgates] Lund: Historiska Media 2009. 192 pages.
Unn Gustafsson
February 19, 2010