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Issue 2024, 4: Download.
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Baltic Worlds covers; the Baltic Sea Region, Eastern Europe, Russia, CentralAsia, Caucasus and the Balkan area.
Articles listed by country you find here.>> - Scholars in Ukraine write about the war.
Read voices from Ukraine!>> -
Challenging the nationalist hegemony The third generation displaced persons and new approaches to the difficult past
Review article of Kassandra Larysa Luciuk, Making Ukrainian Canadians: Identity, Politics, and Power in Cold War Canada, (Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, 2021) xv+338 pages.
Lake Ladoga. A transnational history
Lake Ladoga: The Coastal History of the Greatest Lake in Europe. Maria Lähteenmäki and Isaac Land, eds.,(Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 2023). Studia Fennica Historica vol. 27, 233 pages.
The archaeologist Marija Gimbutas. Grand theories at the outskirts of modernity
Marija Gimbutas: Transnational Biography, Feminist Reception, and the Controversy of Goddess Archaeology, Rasa Navickaitė (Routledge: London, 2022) 244 pages
Competitive victimhood. Ethnonational conflicts and possibilities for reconciliation
Analyzing Competitive Victimhood: Narratives of Recognition and Non-recognition in the Pursuit of Reconciliation, Çağla Demirel, (Doctoral dissertation: Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, 2023). 187 pages
Four European cities in change. Chișinău, Černivci, L’viv, and Wrocław
At home or abroad? Chișinău, Černivci, L’viv and Wrocław: Living with historical changes to borders and national identities. Bo Larsson, (ed.) (Lund: Universus Academic Press, 2020), 560 pages.
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