Okategoriserade Call for papers Baltic Worlds’ Special Section: Nationhood, gender, and classical music education
Call for papers "Nationhood, gender, and classical music education". Baltic Worlds will publish a special section on classical music and music education in the Baltic Sea region and Central Europe in 2023/2024, guest edited by Associate Professor Ann Werner (Södertörn University and Uppsala University).
Published in the printed edition of Baltic Worlds BW 2022:3-4, p 152
Published on balticworlds.com on January 1, 2023
The meanings of classical music and music education in the Baltic Sea region and Central Europe
Baltic Worlds will publish a special section on classical music and music education in the Baltic Sea region and Central Europe in 2023/2024, guest edited by Associate Professor Ann Werner (Södertörn University and Uppsala University).
In the Baltic Sea region and central part of Europe classical music, and classical music education has been strongly connected to nationhood, and to (masculinized) genius cultures. Even today classical music students learn to uphold and subvert these traditions as part of their education. Classical music is an artform highly valued and historically associated with nation and empire. Still, the specific meanings of classical music and music education in the region are rarely studied.
In this section we invite researchers not only from Central Europe and Baltic Sea Region but also from wider region, to publish research focusing on classical music and music education, culture’s role in post-empire Europe, nation and/or gender.
Within this framework we suggest some themes (and authors are welcome to address additional themes):
• Values distributed and negotiated through higher music education in classical music.
• Equality and equity in (post-empire) European higher music education.
• Gender and nation in selecting classical music repertoire for higher music education.
• The histories and traditions of classical music education in the region.
• The cultural importance of different classical music education traditions.
• Submit your 200 words abstract to ann.werner@sh.se by February 28, 2023.
• Acceptance letters will be sent before the end of March.
• Full article is due on June 1, 2023.
• Reviews expected in October.
• Issue is planned to be published in December 2023/January 2024.