
Professional ethics. Has there ever been a Finnish-German common destiny?

+ Marjatta Hietala. De finländska forskarna och orienteringen mot Tyskland under andra världskriget. [The Finnish Researchers and the Orientation Towards Germany during World War II], in Historiska och litteraturhistoriska studier 83 [Historical and Literary-Historical Studies 83] (Malin Bredbacka-Grahn and Johan Strömberg, eds.). Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland: Helsingfors/Helsinki 2008.

By Thorsten Nybom February 17, 2010

A German who has traveled far. The man behind Echolot

+ Dirk Hempel. Walter Kempowski – Eine bürgerliche Biographie. Verlagsgruppe Random House (2007).

By Anders Björnsson February 17, 2010

Environment. The country of mountains of black ash

+ Jane Dawson Eco-Nationalism: Anti-Nuclear Activism and National Identity in Russia, Lithuania and Ukraine. Duke University Press, 221 pages. Rurik Holmberg Survival of the Unfit: Path Dependence and the Estonian Oil Shale Industry. Linköping University, 345 pages.

By Per Högselius February 16, 2010

Estonian history. The nation as bridge and battlefield

+ Seppo Zetterberg Viron historia [The History of Estonia] Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 1118 [Publication of Finnish Literary Society]. Hämeenlinna, 2007, 810 pages

By Laura Kolbe February 16, 2010

Dissertation review. A Marxist interpretation of post-Communist Estonia

+ Peter Bötker Leviatan i arkipelagen. Staten, förvaltningen och samhället. Fallet Estland [Leviathan in the Archipelago: State, Administration, and Society: The Case of Estonia]. Stockholm: University of Stockholm, 2007.

By Risto Alapuro February 16, 2010

Pioneering work. The history of Soviet incorporations

+ Elena Zubkova Pribaltika i Kreml, 1940–1953 [The Baltic States and the Kremlin, 1940–1953], Moscow: Rosspen 2008. 351 pages.

By Lennart Samuelson February 16, 2010

The Urals. From tractor manufacturing city to armorer’s workshop

+ Lennart Samuelson Tankograd. Den ryska hemmafrontens dolda historia 1917–1953 [Tankograd: The Secret History of the Russian Home Front, 1917–1953]. Stockholm: SNS Publisher 2007. 368 pp., illustrated.

By Sune Jungar February 16, 2010