
The Åland autonomy. The Åland autonomy. A success story and a particular case

The Future Conditions for the Åland Autonomy, Bjarne Lindström and Göran Lindholm (Olof M. Jansson’s Foundation for the promotion of historical research on Åland, 2021), 95 pages

By Manne Wängborg June 22, 2022

Targeting Ukrainians that praise the armed resistance to USSR. Putin’s authoritarian turn justified by the past

The Future of the Soviet Past: The Politics of History in Putin’s Russia Anton Weiss-Wendt & Nanci Adler, eds., Bloomington, Indiana University Press 2021. 258 pages.

By David Gaunt June 22, 2022

Defining the future for the people. Defining the future for the people. Examining a proposed link between cultural heritage and the future

Cultural Heritage and the Future, Cornelius Holtorf & Anders Högberg, eds., (London & New York: Routledge, 2021), 256 pages.

By Johan Hegardt January 24, 2022

A multifaceted picture of the memory processes in Eastern Europe. In search of reconciliation

CBEES Annual Report 2020: Constructions and Instrumentalization of the Past. A Comparative Study on Memory Management in the Region, Eds. Ninna Mörner et al., (Södertörn University: Stockholm, 2021). 186 pages

By Per-Arne Bodin January 24, 2022

Inside Russia. The Finnish dimension

Kivinen, Markku & Humphreys, Brendan (eds.). (London and New York: Routledge 2021). xxv and 368 pages.

By Kristian Gerner October 25, 2021

A homage to the beauty of two hundred Baltic Sea lighthouses. A coffee table book rich with photos

Fyrar runt Östersjön. [Lighthouses around the Baltic Sea] Magnus Rietz, (Stockholm: Lind & Co, 2019), 415 pages

By Manne Wängborg October 25, 2021

Conservative national narratives in Poland, Russia and Hungary. “We are the norm!”

New Conservatives in Russia and East Central Europe. Eds. Katharina Bluhm and Mihai Varga (London: Routledge, 2019), 309 pages.

By Anna Schwenck October 25, 2021

Exploring modern urbanity through the public-private dichotomy. The case of a divided Berlin

At the Edge of the Wall: Public and Private Spheres in Divided Berlin, Hanno Hochmuth, (Berghahn Books: New York, 2021), 358 pages.

By Samuel Faber October 25, 2021

Crisis in Russian studies? Ukrainian-Russian relations and what to think about them

Taras Kuzio, Crisis in Russian Studies? Nationalism (Imperialism), Racism and War (Bristol: E-International Relations Publishing, 2020).

By Simo Mannila June 10, 2021

Jan Grabowski’s research is facing a lawsuit in Poland. New book on the Polish Police during WWII

On the Watchpost. The complicity of the Polish and Polish Criminal Police in the Holocaust. Review of Na posterunku. Udział polskiej policji granatowej i kryminalnej w zagładzie Żydów Jan Grabowski 432 pages. Wydawnictwo Czarne, Wolowiec 2020.

By Piotr Wawrzeniuk April 22, 2021