A multi-focused read. Borders, nationalism, and religious education
Jenny Berglund, Thomas Lundén, Peter Strandbrink, eds, Crossings and Crosses: Borders, Educations, and Religions in Northern Europe De Gruyter, Boston/Berlin: 2015, 241 pages.
A scholarly journal from the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Södertörn University, Stockholm.
Jenny Berglund, Thomas Lundén, Peter Strandbrink, eds, Crossings and Crosses: Borders, Educations, and Religions in Northern Europe De Gruyter, Boston/Berlin: 2015, 241 pages.
Ann-Judith Rabenschlag, Völkerfreund-schaft nach Bedarf: Ausländische Arbeitskräfte in der Wahrnehm-ung von Staat und Bevölkerung der DDR. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis Stockholm Studies in History 102, Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations 100.
Marta Grzechnik, Heta Hurskainen (ed.), Beyond the Sea: Reviewing the Manifold Dimensions of Water as Barrier and Bridge. Cologne-Weimar-Vienna, Böhlau -Verlag GmbH, 2014, 269 pages.
Juri Andrucho-wytsch (hrsg.) Euromaidan. Was in der Ukraine auf dem Spielsteht, [Yuri Andrukho-vych (ed.): Euromaidan: what is at stake in Ukraine].Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2014, 207 pp.
Volha Sasunkevich, “From Political Borders to Social Boundaries: History of Female Shuttle Trade on the Belarus–Lithuania Borderland (1990—2011)” (PhD diss., Greifswald University, 2013).
Katerina Smetanina, Når Ivar møter Ivan. Å gjøre forretninger i Russland [When Ivar meets Ivan. How to do business in Russia] Oslo: Arneberg Forlag, 2014, 548 pages.
Tsuneo Akaha and Anna Vassilieva (ed.), Russia and East Asia. Informal and Gradual Integration, London and New York: Routledge 2014, 320 pages.
Christer Lokind: DC-3:an. Kalla krigets hemlighet [The DC-3: the secret of the Cold War]. Stockholm: Medströms bokförlag, 2014.
+ Cecilia Notini Burch, A Cold War Pursuit: Soviet Refugees in Sweden, 1945–54. Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press Sweden, 2014. 359 pages.
+ Peter Balogh, Perpetual Borders: German-Polish Cross-border Contacts in the Szczecin Area, Meddelanden från Kultur-geografiska institutionen vid Stockholms Universitet, [Reports of the Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University, Number 145] Stockholm: University of Stockholm Press, 2014, 204 pages.