CfP Human Trafficking Riga February 21-22, 2019
Call for papers for PhD students and researchers for the conference
HUMAN TRAFFICKING – a crime with too few convictions and too many victims
The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) in cooperation with the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) at the Södertörn University, Sweden aims to bring together PhD students, researchers and research scholars from European countries and the CBSS Member States to exchange and share their experiences and research results in order to contribute to more effective prosecution of human trafficking cases.
Prospective authors are kindly encouraged through the submissions of their papers to contribute to and help shape the international conference ”Human trafficking – a crime with too few convictions and too many victims”.
The conference will focus on prosecution of human trafficking cases and victim’s rights in legal proceedings and is organized in the framework of the Latvian CBSS Presidency on 21 -22 February 2019 in Riga, Latvia.
Deadline for abstract submission: 1st of December 2018
Outcome of reviewing process by: 20th of December 2018
Deadline for full papers by: 1st of February 2019