
PhD in human geography at University of Latvia.

Aija Lulle

PhD in human geography. Her main research interests are in transnational migration, connected to the Advanced Institute of Social and Political Research and the Faculty of Geography of the University of Latvia.

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Articles by Aija Lulle

  1. Transnational and cosmopolitan families. Exploring diversity among migrants

    Viorela Ducu and Áron Telegdi-Csetri, Managing “Difference” in Eastern-European Transnational Families. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, 2016, 190 pages.

  2. Latvians in Guernsey An emerging translocal labor diaspora

    The Channel Island of Guernsey was among the first places for Latvians to look for work abroad after the mid-1990s. Over time, an emerging culture of migration has developed on Guernsey among the Latvians.

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