Illkka Henrik Mäkinen is professor of sociology at Södertörn University, director of the Stockholm Centre on Health of Societies in Transition (SCOHOST). Tanya Jukkala is doctoral student in sociology at Baltic and East European Graduate School (BGEES) Södertörn University.
Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen & Tanya Jukkala
Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen is professor of sociology at Södertörn University, director of the Stockholm Centre on Health of Societies in Transition (SCOHOST). Has published extensively on suicide in general and on suicide in Eastern Europe in particular, including chapters on social theories on suicide and on labor market positions and suicide in the recently published Oxford Textbook of Suicidology (2009) and widely cited articles such as “Are there Social Correlates to Suicide?” (Social Science & Medicine, vol. 44:12). Mäkinen’s publications also include a variety of other topics related to health and mortality in Eastern Europe.
Tanya Jukkala is doctoral student in sociology at the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS), Södertörn University. Is currently writing her thesis on suicide in Russia. Has previously published articles on Russia, e.g. “Economic Strain, Social Relations, Gender, and Binge Drinking in Moscow” (Social Science & Medicine, vol. 66:3; with I. H. Mäkinen, O. Kislitsyna, S. Ferlander, and D. Vågerö; see BW I:1) and “Institutional Trust in Contemporary Moscow” (Europe-Asia Studies, vol. 61:5; with A. Stickley, S. Ferlander, P. Carlson, O. Kistlitsyna, and I. H. Mäkinen).
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Articles by Ilkka Henrik Mäkinen & Tanya Jukkala
On the changes in suicide rates in Eastern Europe after the transformations of 1990. Here, a large number of individual studies are summarized, and the results are compared with previous research on transitional societies undergoing rapid change.