
Jan Miklas-Frankowski

Assistant professor at the Institute of Media, Journalism and Communication at the University of Gdansk. Focusing on; work of Czesław Miłosz; contemporary Polish reportage, particularly Polish-Jewish relations; and, memory of Polish Jews and the Holocaust.

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Articles by Jan Miklas-Frankowski

  1. A city of amnesia Marcin Kącki’s Białystok. White Power. Black Memory

    In his book of reportage: Białystok. White Power, Black Memory Marcin Kącki documents oblivion and denial of the memory of the former Jewish inhabitants of the city; paradoxically, it is also a call for this memory to be restored. In other words, we are dealing here with the two basic attitudes and forms of remembering historical trauma, distinguished by LaCapra: The first results in the process of “working-through”; the other is based on denial and results in “acting-out”.

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