Jenny Björkman & Johan Eellend
Jenny Björkman is PhD researcher in history. She completed her doctoral work in 2001 with a dissertation on involuntary treatment and since then has researched twentieth-century social politics. Her most recent project focused on house inspections in Stockholm and was conducted under the auspices of the Institute of Contemporary History, Södertörn University.
Johan Eellend graduated in history from the Baltic and East European Graduate School at Södertörn University/Stockholm University in 2007. He has participated in several research projects and is currently working at the Swedish Research Council for the Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, mainly on issues concerning the social sciences and humanities.
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Articles by Jenny Björkman & Johan Eellend
Like many other modern states, both the Soviet Union, with its authoritian socialism, and Sweden, with its social democracy, strived to shape their citizens' lives for the better. Both states considered it their duty actively to plan, organize and control housing.