
Jukka Pietiläinen

PhD, senior research at Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki. He is currently finishing a book on Russian magazines and starting article on fraud in Russian elections. Docent (adjunct professor) of Journalism and Mass communication at the University of Tampere since 1.7.2008. His research activities focus on Russian mass media (mainly newspapers and magazines), but I have done research also on topics like Finnish mass media (especially image of Russia in Finnish media), Russian society in general (topics like modernisation, social change and classes) and foreign news flows. In addition to these I have written on Esperanto studies, especially idea history of the Esperanto movement and original literutre in Esperanto.

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Articles by Jukka Pietiläinen

  1. Russian presidential elections 2012

    Next Sunday, on March 4, presidential elections are held in Russia. The likely winner of the elections, Vladimir Putin, has been known already for five months but during these five months Russian political climate has changed significantly.

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