Mariupol. A city that is no more
A military endgame is taking place in Mariupol that could be an omen for Europe’s future to come.
A scholarly journal from the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Södertörn University, Stockholm.
Professor emeritus of East European History at European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). Historian and writer, lives in Berlin. Among his recent books: Moscow 1937 (Polity Press 2012), The Scent of Empires. Chanel No 5 and Red Moscow (Polity Press 2021), Ukraine. A Nation on the Borderland (Reaktion Books 2022).
Earlier published works are Moskau lesen (2011) och Terror und Traum (2008). Among his awards are the Lessing-Preis der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg (2005), Leipziger Buchpreis zur Europäischen Verständigung (2009) and Samuel-Bogumil-Linde-Preis (2010, together with Adam Krzemiński).
A military endgame is taking place in Mariupol that could be an omen for Europe’s future to come.
Mark Bassin, Christopher Ely & Melissa K. Stockdale (eds.) Space, Place, and Power in Modern Russia, Essays in the New Spatial History, DeKalb, Northern Illinois University Press, 2010, 268 pages
The author argues that, despite the disastrous effects of the enormous brain drain for Russia’s development, the emergence of Russian communities abroad can also be seen as an indicator of a normalization resulting from the opening up of the country after a long period of isolation. For Berlin, it is the regeneration of the mixed and more cosmopolitan society of the pre-Nazi and prewar epoch.