
Inga Aalia, holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Vilnius and a master’s degree from the University of Oslo. Kjetil Duvold, PhD in political science. Positions at Södertörn, Humboldt, Vytautas Magnus, and Vilnius universities.

Inga Aalia & Kjetil Duvold

Inga Aalia holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Vilnius and a master’s degree from the University of Oslo. Born in Vilnius, and has lived, studied and worked in the United States, Norway, France, and Romania.

Kjetil Duvold, PhD in political science. Positions at Södertörn, Humboldt, Vytautas Magnus, and Vilnius universities. Among his books is Making Sense of Baltic Democracy: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania between the Soviet Union and the European Union (2010).

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Articles by Inga Aalia & Kjetil Duvold

  1. Fear and loatHing in lithuania

    As an EU-member, Lithuania has to a large extent set up institutional mechanisms to combat homophobia. It has implemented anti-discrimination laws that are roughly in line with EU norms. At the same time, the country does not allow same-sex marriage, fails to recognize same-sex partnership (or indeed any form of civil partnership), and does not allow homosexual couples to adopt children. A still greater problem, note the authors, is that the political and cultural climate remains deeply hostile towards homosexuality and towards recognizing the rights of individuals of a minority sexual orientation.

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