
Klaus Misgeld is professor of history and former research director at the Labor Movement Archives and Library (ARAB). Karl Molin is professor in history, Stockholm University.

Klaus Misgeld & Karl Molin

Karl Molin is professor of history, Stockholm University. One of the editors of Creating Social Democracy: A Century of the Social Democratic Labor Party in Sweden (1992). He was a member of a commission, appointed by the Swedish government, on the Swedish Security Services.
Klaus Misgeld is professor of history and for many years research director at the Labor Movement Archives and Library (ARAB), Stockholm. In 1984 he published Sozialdemokratie und Aussenpolitik in Schweden: Sozialistische Internationale, Europapolitik und die Deutschlandsfrage 1945–1955.

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Articles by Klaus Misgeld & Karl Molin

  1. Solidarity despite reservations

    There was no doubt among Swedish diplomats and union leaders that they would support the independent trade union movement Solidarity that had suddenly appeared on the Polish stage. Still, they could not ignore the risk of renewed military intervention that would have had disastrous consequences for Poland and security in Europe. This essay presents how diplomats and union leaders acted and communicated to support the democratization of Poland.

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