
Professor of European History at the University of Helsinki.

Laura Kolbe

Professor of European History at the University of Helsinki. She has published several works on academic history and city history, including Brändö. Drömmen om en bättre framtid [Brändö: The Dream of a Better Future] (1990), Helsingfors. Östersjöns dotter [Helsinki: The Daughter of the Baltic] (with Matti Klinge) (1999), and Helsingfors stads historia efter 1945: kommunalförvaltning och -politik [The history of the City of Helsinki after 1945: Municipal Administration and Politics] (2002). In 2007, fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) in Uppsala. Since 2006, member of the Helsinki City Council (as a member of the Center Party).

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Articles by Laura Kolbe

  1. Estonian history. The nation as bridge and battlefield

    + Seppo Zetterberg Viron historia [The History of Estonia] Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 1118 [Publication of Finnish Literary Society]. Hämeenlinna, 2007, 810 pages

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