
Linas Eriksonas is a founding member of the Demos institute of critical thought. Linas holds a doctorate from the University of Aberdeen and has been involved in a number of academic and public sector-related consultancy projects.

Linas Eriksonas

Is a founding member of the Demos institute of critical thought. Linas holds a doctorate from the University of Aberdeen and has been involved in a number of academic and public sector-related consultancy projects. Linas worked and had internships at the universities in the UK, Norway and Sweden (at BEEGS). He is the author of a number of articles and several books on issues of identity and nationalism, including a co-edited volume Narrating the Nation: Representations in History, Media and the Arts (Oxford and New York, 2nd ed., 2011). His latest interests are in analysing identity and class in the social media.

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Articles by Linas Eriksonas

  1. Elections in Lithuania: results and perceptions

    The European Parliament elections in Lithuania this year were held jointly with the second round of the presidential elections which were won by a landslide majority (57.9%) by the incumbent president Dalia Grybauskaitė supported by the conservative and liberal parties in opposition. The dual-track election campaign have been used by the opposition parties to leverage the popularity of President Grybauskaitė and make gains at the EP elections.

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