Matthew Blackburn
Researcher at the Institute of Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University. He completed his doctoral thesis on nationalist discourses and the imagined nation in Post-Soviet Russia at the University of Glasgow. His research focuses on political legitimation, memory politics, nationalism and identity politics in the Post-Soviet space. His recent publications include ‘Mainstream Russian Nationalism and the “State-Civilization-Identity”’ (Nationalities papers) and ‘Political Legitimacy in Contemporary Russia’ (Russian Politics) (2020).
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Articles by Matthew Blackburn
The 2021 Duma Elections have confirmed the Kremlin’s increased reliance on repression and manipulation to obtain the desired results. The 2021 elections show the top-down management of Russia’s electoral authoritarianism to be efficient. With electoral outcomes comprehensively managed, Russia’s political system has never before so closely resembled that of Belarus.