
Mercedes Barros & Natalia Martínez

Mercedes Barros is Researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, and at the Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Teaching at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Natalia Martínez is Assistant Researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas and Assistant Professor in the area of Feminisms, Gender and Sexualities (FemGeS) at the María Saleme de Burnichón Research [Centre of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (CIFFyH), National University of Córdoba.

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Articles by Mercedes Barros & Natalia Martínez

  1. Let’s not talk about it Feminism and populism in Argentina

    Since the emergence of #NiUnaMenos [Not One Less] in 2015, feminism has become widespread in Argentina. In this essay the authors aim to offer an exploratory account of the conditions that have made this unusual scenario possible. In particular, they consider how the heterogeneous groups that gathered under the scream “Ni Una Menos!” have become part of a feminist “us”.

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