Per Ekman is a Ph.D. candidate in political science at Uppsala University. He studies political autonomy in Georgia and Ukraine, and has previously worked in Georgia.
Per Ekman
Per Ekman is a Ph.D. candidate in political science at Uppsala University. He studies political autonomy in Georgia and Ukraine, and has previously worked in Georgia.
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Articles by Per Ekman
Ukraina och informationskriget – journalistik mellan ideal och självcensur [Ukraine and the information war – journalism between ideal and self-censorship] Gunnar Nygren and Jöran Hök (ed.), Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap. (2016), 279 pages.
The low turnout is one of the most worrying signals in these elections. Only 51.6 percent of the electorate went out to vote. The incumbent party the Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia (GD) did win a striking mandate with 115 of the total 150 seats in the Georgian Parliament. The party will now be able to govern without support from other parties, and it also passed the 113 seats required to make constitutional changes.