
Rasa Goštautaitė

PhD student at Faculty of History, Vilnius University. Her dissertation focuses on the contested nature of the Soviet-era heritage in Lithuania and other post-communist states,looking into the politics and management practices related to the legacy of this type.

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Articles by Rasa Goštautaitė

  1. Dissonant Soviet monuments in post- Soviet Lithuania the application of artistic practices

    This article theoretically overviews the disputes related to two heritage sites located in Vilnius, Lithuania – the Green Bridge statues and a monument to Petras Cvirka. The change in the culture of memory – from a Soviet to an independent Lithuania – has created the appropriate conditions for certain objects of such heritage to reveal dissonance. Common actions applied to mitigating the disputes that occur in relation to the Soviet-era legacy include the removal of such statues or monuments and/or their relocation. Meanwhile, alternative solutions such as memorial/information plaques and artistic interventions aimed at reinterpreting and decontextualizing the object in question are less widely endorsed.

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