Critique and morality. Consensus and dissent in post-revisionist Soviet studies
Den goda tanken och den onda erfarenheten [The good idea and the evil experience] Lund University Department of History Lund 2011, 157 pages
A scholarly journal from the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Södertörn University, Stockholm.
Researcher, Department of Science and Ideas History, Uppsala University.
Researcher, Department of Science and Ideas History, Uppsala University.
Received his PhD from Södertörn University in 2010 with the dissertation Intelligensaristokrater och arkivmartyrer: normerna för vetenskaplig skicklighet i svensk historieforskning
[Intelligence aristocrats and archive martyrs: norms for scholarly excellence in Swedish historical research].
Den goda tanken och den onda erfarenheten [The good idea and the evil experience] Lund University Department of History Lund 2011, 157 pages