Ph.D. in history, leads the international and multidisciplinary research program ”Nordiska rum” (Nordic Spaces) at CBEES (Centre for Baltic and East European Studies, at Södertörn University.
Torbjörn Eng
Torbjörn Eng. Ph.D. in history from the University of Uppsala. His research has focused on state-building processes in the Baltic region during the time before the nations were established. Received his doctorate in 2001 with a thesis entitled Det svenska väldet: Ett konglomerat av uttrycksformer och begrepp från Vasa till Bernadotte. [Swedish Forms of Dominion: A Conglomerate of Expressions and Concepts from Vasa to Bernadotte.] Currently working at CBEES, Södertörn University, where he leads the international and multidisciplinary research program ”Nordiska rum” (Nordic Spaces). Received the Friends of the Vasa Museum Prize in 2003.
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Articles by Torbjörn Eng
+ Arne Bengtsson. Bronssoldatens hämnd: Baltiska betraktelser. [The Revenge of the Bronze Soldier: Baltic Reflections]. Vimmerby: grannland.com 2007. 411 pages. + Arne Bengtsson. Hotad frihet: Baltisk kris i skuggan av Moskva. [Threatened Freedom: Baltic Crisis in the Shadow of Moscow]. Vimmerby: grannland.com 2008. 365 pages. + Peter Handberg. Undergångens skuggor: missiler och möten: reportage. [Shadows of the Demise: Missiles and Meetings: Reports]. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 2007. 206 pages. + Peter Handberg. Kärleksgraven: Baltiska resor. [The Tomb of Love: Baltic Journeys ]. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 2008. 326 pages.