
Professor Emeritus in History at the Institute of Contemporary History, Södertörn University.

Torbjörn Nilsson

Professor Emeritus in History at the Institute of Contemporary History, Södertörn University.

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Articles by Torbjörn Nilsson

  1. Rescued from Stalin’s terror The unknown Swedish operation in the 1930s

    The author analyses the operation by Swedish diplomats in the Soviet Union during the peak of the Stalinist Terror. Although Swedish communists living in the USSR have been in the spotlight of some journalists and historians, the extent of the different Swedish groups and the complicated diplomatic actions to help them are nearly unknown. Who could be saved? Who disappeared in the Gulag? The context is the Soviet actions against all foreigners in the Great Terror from 1937, forcing them to either become Soviet citizens or immediately leave the country. Comparisons are made with Finnish people in the Soviet Union, a group much harder hit by the terror than the small groups of Swedes.

  2. Dissertation review. Language disputes and modernization.

    + Oddmund Løkensgard Hoel, Målreising og modernisering i Noreg 1885–1940, [The New Language Movement and Modernization in Norway 1885–1940], Trondheim: Noreg’s University of Science and Technology, NTNU, 2009, 589 pages

  3. The lost Scandinavism. From Indian summer to Nordic winter

    + Ruth Hemstad. Fra Indian summer til nordisk vinter: Skandinavisk samarbeid, skandinavisme og unionsoppløsningen [From Indian Summer to Nordic Winter: Scandinavian Cooperation, Scandinavism, and the Dissolution of the Union] Dissertation. Oslo, Akademisk Publisering 2008. 653 pages.

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