
Vasileios Kitsos

Doctoral student at the school of Social Sciences & the Center for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)

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Articles by Vasileios Kitsos

  1. 1991-2021: Thirty Years After Urban Space in Transition after the Collapse of the USSR

    The roundtable ”Urban Space in Transition after the Collapse of the USSR” arranged at CBEES September 21, 2021 by Irina Seits, offered perspectives on the approaches to architectural heritage, and the ways memory is made and remade in urban spaces after the dissolution of the USSR, in four examples from both Moscow and St. Petersburg.

  2. The Russian Industrial Legacy: The blind faith in big science and technocratic solutions and the absence of a vibrant civil society

    “Inheriting the Pandora Box: Environmental Impacts of the Soviet Industrial Legacy”, was a Roundtable arranged May 26, 2021, at the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies at Södertörn University. Here follows a brief summary of the event from the social studies' perspectives, while a longer report from the environmental studies' perspectives also can be found at this website.

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