Message from Ukraine
A message on situation in Ukraine from Ukrainian writer Yuri Andrukhovych. (translated by Vitaly Chernetsky, via Andrij Bondar)
A scholarly journal from the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Södertörn University, Stockholm.
Yuri Andrukhovych is a Ukrainian prose writer, poet, essayist, and translator. With Oleksandr Irvanets and Viktor Neborak, he co-founded the Bu-Ba-Bu poetic group in 1985 (the group’s name stands for ‘burlesque, side-show, buffoonery’). To date, Andrukhovych has published five novels, four poetry collections, a cycle of short stories, and two volumes of essays, as well as literary translations from English, German, Polish, and Russian. His essays regularly appear in Zerkalo nedeli (Mirror Weekly), an influential trilingual newspaper (published fully in Russian and Ukrainian with excerpts also published in an online English edition). Some of his writings (for example, The Moscoviad and Perverzion) are carried out in a distinct postmodern style.
A message on situation in Ukraine from Ukrainian writer Yuri Andrukhovych. (translated by Vitaly Chernetsky, via Andrij Bondar)