Vasily Grossman and Hrachya Kochar
There is a great deal that we do not yet know about Vasily Grossman’s life. The widely held belief that Grossman lived out his last years in poverty and isolation is probably mistaken.
A scholarly journal from the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) Södertörn University, Stockholm.
PhD and lecturer on literary criticism at the Russian State University for the Humanities.
Graduated from the Russian State University for the Humanities in Moscow, and completed his doctorate on the work of Vasily Grossman. At present he lectures on literary criticism at the Russian State University for the Humanities while continuing to research Grossman’s life and work. He contributed an introduction to The Armenian Sketchbook, which will be published in the summer of 2013.
There is a great deal that we do not yet know about Vasily Grossman’s life. The widely held belief that Grossman lived out his last years in poverty and isolation is probably mistaken.