Okategoriserade Baltic Worlds monitors European Football Championship
Baltic Worlds will be monitoring the European Football Championship in June here on Baltic Worlds’ website. A number of articles […]
Published on balticworlds.com on May 31, 2012
Baltic Worlds will be monitoring the European Football Championship in June here on Baltic Worlds’ website.
A number of articles will be published during the ongoing European Championship, in which 16 nations play 31 matches in eight different cities in Poland and Ukraine: Gdańsk, Poznan, Wroclaw, Warsaw, Lviv, Kiev, Kharkiv and Donetsk.
What does co-hosting the European Football Championship mean for the two countries’ relationship? How has their cooperation functioned? What is the Championship’s importance for the countries’ economies, as well as those of the affected cities? What happens when the European Football Championship arrives in the city? Or when football supporters from throughout Europe come to Ukraine and Poland? These are a few of the questions that will be covered by CBEES’ article series about the European Football Championship.
Coverage begins with the journalist Tove Stenquist providing a background to the historic relationship between Poland and Ukraine through a conversation between Volodymyr Kulyk (Ukrainian Studies, Stanford University, USA) and Jacek Nowak (Jagellonian University, Kraków, Poland).
Lars Johannsen, Associate Professor in Political Science, University of Aarhus, will write about corruption and the European Football Championship’s impact on the local economy.
Kutte Jönsson, senior lecturer in Practical Philosophy at Malmö University, writes about sports ethics – there’s no such thing as fair play.
Nicholas Aylott, Associate Professor in Political Science and a research leader at CBEES, writes about social classes and football.
Ann-Cathrine Jungar, Associate Professor in Political Science at CBEES, contribute with an article abput racism and xenophobia in connection to the European Football Championship.
Yulia Yurchuk, doctoral student in History at BEEGS with roots in Ukraine, writes about feminist initiatives for counteracting increased prostitution in association with the event.
There will also be additional articles that will have different approaches to illuminating and adding depth to our image of the European Football Championship.
Further information, Ninna Mörner, editor Baltic Worlds: ninna.morner@sh.se