We can all agree that this pandemic is hard to manage and that the saving citizens’ life is the most important issue to deal with initially, but let us reflect on the consequences of the responses. The pandemic experience and the lockdown in Albania, among other perspectives, can be analysed by answering two main questions: 1. What is the socio-economic cost of the lockdown for almost 3 months? 2. What are the implications for the democratic system, is the freedom challenged?
Gilda Hoxha
May 18, 2020
Tourist in Utopia. Travels in Ideology and the Albanian landscape [Turist i Utopia, reiser i ideologi og albansk landskap], Rune Ottosen (1950-). 336 pages.
Francesco Zavatti
June 19, 2019
Student protest as a form of mobilization from below, excluding categorically political organizations like opposition parties and NGOs, has changed the perception in Albanian society about protesting and decision-making. Public opinion regarding the protest in December of 2018 has had the same value as the student movement in 1990—1991 when the system changed, and Albania became a democratic country, and the students are once again bringing hope to Albania!
Gilda Hoxha
March 6, 2019
In the analysis of how self-organized groups work, act, and cooperate in young democracies like Albania, it is shown that different financial, human, technical, and political factors determine to what degree the self-organized groups are dependent on the political opportunity system in order to achieve their goals.
Gilda Hoxha
June 18, 2018
The elections in Albania were overshadowed by three issues: further EU integration through key judicial reform, and property rights. All three are closely interconnected, and illustrate the difficult changes Albania still need to face in order to become a politically, economically and judicially stable country.
Jessica Giandomenico
November 8, 2017
The 23 June 2013 parliamentary elections were an important test for Albanian democracy. Albanian elections have always fallen short of […]
Arba Murati
July 15, 2013
The diverse mosaic of urban experiences in Prague, Riga, Belgrade, and Tirana is related to major drivers of change in the economic, social, and institutional environment. In mapping an analytical terrain for this comparative study, the “socialist city” is taken as the primary point of departure. One set of influences represents the outcomes associated with the transition to markets, democracy, and decentralized government.
Sasha Tsenkova
May 14, 2013
In Albania, its cultural heritage is threatened by tourism. Fairytale castle are being converted to hotels with no respect for their history. Albanians politicians believe that they cannot afford to preserve the past for the future, says reporter Axel Kronblom.
Axel Kronholm
May 13, 2013
Edward S. Herman (ed.) The Srebrenica Massacre Evidence, Context, Politics. Foreword by Phillip Corwin, 2011, 300 pages
Jan Christensen
June 27, 2012
Spomeniks are monuments commemorating the World War II dot the landscape: gigantic futuristic creations that in some cases have been spared destruction.
Sara Bergfors
January 16, 2012