Inaugurated in October 2012, the statue was one of the first publicly-funded right-wing monuments to adorn a public square in postwar Hungary, and only one example of the current Hungarian government’s determined campaign to reformulate public discourse and memory politics.
Caroline Mezger
March 6, 2019
In Hungary, the amount of protest to follow the announcement of Lex CEU was probably underestimated by the government, yet one relatively unexpected feature was that even a number of influential conservative public figures went against the prime minister and showed their support for CEU.
Péter Balogh
June 13, 2017
The founders of CEU, politicians, including PM Orban, had a common dream back then. That dream was that we would build a free and successful country where not party apparatchiks, but academics decide who can study at a university, and what institution can call itself a university.
Andrea Petö
June 13, 2017
Baltic Worlds invites you to support CEU with its long-held reputation as a center of innovation, academic excellence and scientific inquiry.
Ninna Mörner
April 3, 2017