
3 articles tagged with cosmopolis were found.

Transnational and cosmopolitan families. Exploring diversity among migrants

Viorela Ducu and Áron Telegdi-Csetri, Managing “Difference” in Eastern-European Transnational Families. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, 2016, 190 pages.

By Aija Lulle November 10, 2017

Cosmopolitanism outside the comfort zone

The critical review of cosmopolitanism as a historical, philosophical, and moral concept was afforded a special place on the agenda, but presentations oriented towards practical policy applications of cosmopolitan ideas were also represented, at the conference arranged by CBEES at Södertörn University November 24—26 "Cosmopolitanism in a Wider Context: Conceptualizing Past and Present".

By Markus Huss April 12, 2012

Kant. The first cosmopolite

+ Rebecka Lettevall & My Klockar Lidner (eds.). The Idea of Kosmopolis: History, Philosophy and Politics of World Citizenship. Stockholm 2008. Södertörn Academic Studies 37. 181 pages.

By Vesa Oittinen February 18, 2010