
41 articles tagged with democracy were found.

Belarus. Discussion for Bringing about Change

A number of representatives of the opposition in Belarus participated in a seminar “The Way Forward for Belarus”. The seminar addressed such issues as the difficulties experienced by the opposition in working for democracy and human rights in Belarus and what the outside world can do to support their work.

By Ninna Mörner May 5, 2011

An Hour with Adam Przeworski

Professor Adam Przeworski often asks the questions most of us are a little embarrassed to ask. We see democracy as the natural state of affairs. To Adam Przeworski, who came from New York to Uppsala in late September 2010 to receive this year’s Johan Skytte Prize in political science, no such truths are taken for granted.

By Anders Mellbourn January 11, 2011

Belarusian democratic opposition appeals to the EU

In a joint proclamation, signed by ten organizations, the democratic opposition in Belarus now urges the EU not to negotiate on anything with the regime in Minsk other than the immediate release of all political prisoners, including the four presidential candidates who are still imprisoned and threatened with long-term prison sentences.

By Peter Johnsson January 7, 2011

Belarus election. Frauds and repression as usual

The 19 December presidential elections in Belarus did not meet the high expectations that the partial but encouraging regime liberalization of the past two years had raised in Western democracies and among the Belarusian opposition. Incumbent president Alexander Lukashenka was once again re-elected with supposedly 79,65 % of the votes in an election OSCE observers did not recognize as free and fair.

By Anaïs Marin December 29, 2010

Belarus Election. Return to repression

On Monday the 20th and on Tuesday the 21st Minsk was back to its normal life. The life of fear. The doors that had been opened during the month before had once more, at least for a period, been closed. In an interview the 21th, the independent professor of Political Science, Mr Valery Karbalevich comment the situation.

By Peter Johnsson December 29, 2010

Election in Azerbaijan. Lower interest among young voters

Elections in Azerbaijan have regularly been criticized by international observers and mainly seem to be a formalization of political balance agreed by different economical interest groups in the country. Being split, the opposition parties now once again admit that, in addition to election fraud, they suffer from low support from an electorate that sees them as a weak force in society. In the foreseeable future political changes in Azerbaijan will rather be a result of shifting powers within the elite than of electoral processes.

By Torgny Hinnemo December 16, 2010

Local Elections in Ukraine. Two Tales about One Polity

The highly preliminary electoral results of the regional elections in Ukraine indicate that the rapidly changing framework has had a highly diverse effect on the political arena, emboldening some, and discouraging others.

By Geir Flikke November 18, 2010

Consolidating the Democratic Process: Parliamentary Elections in Kyrgyzstan

On October 10 the people of Kyrgyzstan elected a new national parliament (Jogorku Kenesh) in an election that has been described as the most free and fair ever in a post-Soviet Central Asian republic. A closer look at the elections as well as their results indicates certain obstacles on the road to a prosperous parliamentary system.

By Sofie Bedford October 20, 2010

A coalition of coalitions: The 2010 Parliamentary elections in Latvia

With several old parties joined in new constellations, the Latvian party landscape may have turned its back on party fragmentation. The Latvian autumn sky is however clouded by low turnout, the lingering issue of corruption, and, in the shadow of the economic crisis, reports about possible vote-buying.

By Emelie Lilliefeldt October 9, 2010

The Swedish General Election 2010. – The end of one-party domination

The outcome of the 2010 election Late Sunday evening on the 19th of September, it appeared as if the general […]

By Åsa Bengtsson October 5, 2010