East German

3 articles tagged with east german were found.

Traveling through the German historical landscape A talk with Mary Fulbrook

In her book on the East German experiment, The People’s State, Fulbrook launched a concept that owes a lot to her life-long preoccupation with Max Weber’s theories of Herrschaft. She calls it “participatory dictatorship”. An unbelievably large proportion of the population — roughly one in six, she calculated — took an active part in activities that had to be carried out to uphold the political system as such.

By Anders Björnsson April 29, 2014


The range of evidence and countries involved in doping advises caution against a one-dimensional criticism and demonisation of the ‘Other Europe’.

By Mike Dennis June 19, 2012

Dissertation review. When the border between East and West becomes a border between now and then

Sofi Gerber, Öst är Väst men Väst är bäst: Östtysk identitetsformering i det förenade Tyskland, East is West but West is best: East German identity formation in unified Germany, Stockholm University (Stockholm Studies in Ethnology 5) 2011, 248 pages

By Michael Rießler October 5, 2011