
44 articles tagged with estonia were found.

Four on-the-spot accounts. The Baltic countries’ path to the future is paved with shadows of the past

+ Arne Bengtsson. Bronssoldatens hämnd: Baltiska betraktelser. [The Revenge of the Bronze Soldier: Baltic Reflections]. Vimmerby: 2007. 411 pages.

+ Arne Bengtsson. Hotad frihet: Baltisk kris i skuggan av Moskva. [Threatened Freedom: Baltic Crisis in the Shadow of Moscow]. Vimmerby: 2008. 365 pages.

+ Peter Handberg. Undergångens skuggor: missiler och möten: reportage. [Shadows of the Demise: Missiles and Meetings: Reports]. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 2007. 206 pages.

+ Peter Handberg. Kärleksgraven: Baltiska resor. [The Tomb of Love: Baltic Journeys ]. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur 2008. 326 pages.

By Torbjörn Eng February 17, 2010

Estonian history. The nation as bridge and battlefield

+ Seppo Zetterberg Viron historia [The History of Estonia] Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 1118 [Publication of Finnish Literary Society]. Hämeenlinna, 2007, 810 pages

By Laura Kolbe February 16, 2010

Pioneering work. The history of Soviet incorporations

+ Elena Zubkova Pribaltika i Kreml, 1940–1953 [The Baltic States and the Kremlin, 1940–1953], Moscow: Rosspen 2008. 351 pages.

By Lennart Samuelson February 16, 2010

The Communist Past. Party Formation and Elites in the Baltic States

Political development in the three Baltic countries has not been equal. The development of democracy and the degree of corruption depends, among other things – it is argued here – on how the resistance against the Soviet Union was organized.

Essay by Li Bennich-Björkman February 12, 2010