Political and scholarly debates on European (meso-)regions have returned time and again over the past 100 years. The conceptualizations of Central and Eastern Europe plays a major role in the debates, which affects the Baltic Sea region and Northern Europe as well. These issues have already been addressed many times, but recently, a new development deserves our attention: the launch of the “Three Seas Initiative” in the summer of 2015 by the presidents of Poland and Croatia, comprising 12 EU member states between the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Seas.
Essay by
Jörg Hackmann
April 21, 2021
Europe faces Europe: Narratives from its Eastern Half, Johan Fornäs (toim.). Bristol, UK/ Chicago, USA: Intellect, 2017, 252 pages.
Jussi Lassila
November 9, 2017
The theme of the conference, "Beyond Transition", reflects a critical phase in current research on Eastern Europe and highlights the need for theoretical and methodological revision noted by many.
Irina Sandomirskaja
January 24, 2014
Stefano Bottoni, Un altro Novecento L’Europa orientale dal 1919 a oggi [Another twentieth century: Eastern Europe from 1919 to the present day] Rome 2011, Carocci Editore, 404 pages
Francesco Zavatti
January 9, 2013
Tony Judt with Timothy Snyder, Thinking the Twentieth Century, New York 2012, The Penguin Press, 414 pages
David Gaunt
January 9, 2013
Mary-Kay Wilmers, The Eitingons, A Twentieth-Century Story, London: Faber & Faber, 2009, XI + 476 pages
Sven Hort
January 18, 2012
András Vari, Herren und Landwirte: Ungarische Aristokraten und Agrarier auf dem Weg in die Moderne (1821—1910) Studien zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Ostmitteleuropas 17, Wiesbaden: Harrowitz Verlag 2008, 273 pages
Fredrik Eriksson
October 3, 2011
Sven Eliaeson & Nadezhda Georgieva (eds.) New Europe: Growth to Limits? Oxford: The Bardwell Press 2010, 454 pages
Uffe Østergaard
June 30, 2011
Is Russia part of Europe? Russians answer this question in different ways. For many of them, Russia is not Europe but Eurasia, which is an alternate unit of civilization. I do not share this opinion, writes Adam Michnik here.
Adam Michnik
May 13, 2011