
28 articles tagged with feminism were found.

The revision of Herstory. Global state socialist women’s activism from a new perspective

Second World, Second Sex: Socialist Women’s Activism and Global Solidarity during the Cold War. Kristen Ghodsee. Duke University Press, 2019, 328 pages.

By Marie Láníková December 30, 2019

Ksenia Sobchak and the visibility of female politicians in the Russian public sphere

After announcing her presidential campaign in October 2017, Sobchak, perhaps unsurprisingly, was represented in mainstream Russian media as an “unruly woman”19 who was transgressing the existing patriarchal norms and rules, and she was explicitly reminded by male journalists and TV anchors of the “real” and “traditional” role a woman is supposed to play.

Essay by Liudmila Voronova and Emil Edenborg March 7, 2019

”Is it the swan song of patriarchy, or the beginning of a new ice age?” Interview with Agnieszka Graff and Elżbieta Korolczuk

Agnieszka Graff and Elżbieta Korolczuk in an interview about the phenomenon of anti-genderism: a topic they written together on and both try to understand as it is spreading in Poland but also widely elsewhere

By Eva Karlberg March 7, 2018

From clients to agents. Roma feminist activism in the special issue of Analize

Analize – Journal of Gender and Feminist Studies, New Series, Issue no. 7, 2016, The Romanian Society for Feminist Analyses AnA, 2016, 101 pages.

By Madina Tlostanova November 9, 2017

Gendered voices from East-Central Europe. Breaking out of the deadlock of neoliberalism vs. rightwing populism

Solidarity in Struggle: Feminist Perspectives on Neo-liberalism in East-Central Europe, EszterKováts (ed.), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2016,115 pages

By Weronika Grzebalska February 3, 2017

The voice of the excluded

Poet, essayist, film critic, journalist, feminist activist, researcher at Polish Academy of Science, literary researcher at Jewish Historical Institute and lecturer in gender studies at Warsaw University — Bożena Keff’s professional career is as multifaceted as it is interdisciplinary, and her interests impressively manifold.

By Renata Ingbrant November 19, 2015

PUSSY RIOT: REFLECTIONS ON RECEPTIONS Some Questions Concerning Public Reactions in Russia to the Pussy Riot’s Intervention and Trial

Here it is suggested that the greatest crisis of social consensus that the Pussy Riot action produced, and the deepest collective anxiety that surfaced in the discussion, was the fear of the active and politically conscious woman, a woman who does not hesitate to use violence in claiming her subjectivity from the authority of the church, the family, the establishment, or the state. Concerning one principal issue, the public opinion was especially dramatically polarized, and that is what the three authors want to look closer at, namely, Pussy Riot’s feminist agenda.

Essay by Yulia Gradskova Irina Sandomirskaja Nadezda Petrusenko February 20, 2013

What did the Father Say?

Comment on Pussy Riot: Reflections on Receptions Again, Samutsevich’s testimony evokes a similarity between the Pussy Riot case and women […]

By Nadezda Petrusenko December 20, 2012

What Did the Father Say?

Comment on Pussy Riot: Reflections on Receptions The story of innocence and corruption, bad motherhood and bad influences presented in […]

By Irina Sandomirskaja December 20, 2012

Mother-to-Be Making Love at the Museum of Biology

Comment on Pussy Riot: Reflections on Receptions It is important in this connection to mention the activities of Voina (The […]

By Nadezda Petrusenko December 20, 2012